Category Archives: Art

Adam Roye on “Scared of Normal” Podcast

Behind-the-scenes creative kingpin Adam Roye discusses his life and work, current and former business ventures and the TV shows that play in the background as he draws, doodles, paints and prints.

Pretty Lights by Anthony Dickenson

“The 100 Best Photographs Taken Without Photoshop”


In today’s segment of Links My Family Sends Me, we’ll take a look at some photographs that ‘wow’ the civilian viewer. Lots of juxtaposition that reminds me I still need a telephoto zoom lens. Thanks to my stepdad for the link.


“A photograph is shaped more by the person behind the camera than by what’s in front of it.”

Cycling, Cameras, and Cats with Sandy Carson

Sandy Carson is part of the original Fairdale family which started back in January of 2012 and as a full time photographer he’s always doing something exciting wether it be on his bicycle of off. Hit play to take a seat w/ Sandy to hear a bit more about what he’s done and what he’s got goin on.

Edwin Car Wash Railhop T-shirts

edwin shirts

Our friend Kris AKA DaTurtleKing AKA I’m Eugene made these t-shirts featuring his depiction of the iconic Jeff Z photo of Edwin doing the West Side Highway Car Wash railhop. They are available for purchase here.

TCU TV – Travis Mortz Interview

I began corresponding with Travis through the Push It A Stop Flickr page after noticing his extensive use of film- most notably shooting some riding shots on large format. He let me know that he’d be at Texas Toast with his 4×5. Sure enough I saw him there lugging around the behemoth of a camera, complete with tripod and dark cloth, and a Hasselblad slung around his neck. We spoke and it soon became clear to me that Travis is both a camera fanatic and dedicated film user. He is informed, experienced and well-traveled. Sitting down and discussing all aspects of photography with Travis opened my eyes to some things I hadn’t considered regarding technology and the lack thereof required in the art. He is someone who understands the power of the camera and loves every part of it- from the equipment to the process to the ethereal qualities of a Polaroid of his daughter. I introduce to you the Ansel Adams of BMX, Travis Mortz.

0:30 – How was shooting at Texas Toast with a 4×5 camera?
2:25 – Travis’ shortened life story and first rolls of film
5:18 – When has film failed you?
6:32 – When has digital failed you? (pretty crazy story involving Tony Hawk)
9:50 – Travis’ formal education in photography and the arts
11:58 – Favorite photographs?
12:42 – Crazy story about Dorthea Lange and a Linhof
16:06 – Online portfolio?
17:05 – Your favorite film?
17:45 – Your lighting setup?
19:19 – Travis asks me about my film-use frequency
22:03 – Travis describes his darkroom setup in the mountains
25:04 – What are your film buying habits?
27:02 – “People are scared of film for some reason”
27:28 – You ever been fucked by a lab?
28:56 – Recent camera purchases?
31:59 – “My results will always be different”
32:39 – Favorite developer?
34:02 – Travis’ theory on preservation
(A great discussion erupts here and some really good points are made.)
40:02 – We go through the gear that Travis brought with him
48:54 – Shooting at Woodward Camp
51:30 – Travis talks about his recent trip to Sweden and how Hasselblad wrote a story about him
54:06 – “My biggest project is documenting my daughter’s life”

“A Day On 16mm” by Byron Kutchera

“The idea was to shoot an entire BMX “edit” in one day on a 100′ roll (2.5 minutes) of 16mm colour film. Since we only had 1 roll of film we kept the riding simple as each trick needed to be landed on the first or second try.
Martin Tonner
Adam Berry
Shot on:
Bolex Reflex
KODAK VISION2 250D Color Negative Film
Camera Rental:
Atlantic Filmmakers Cooperative (AFCOOP)
Processing/ Telecine
Cinelab Toronto
Dead Horse Beats- Homegrown”

“The Warehouse Project” by Will Evans

There’s a really good chance that this is the most interesting concept video BMX has seen in a while. Will Evans teamed up with some incredible riders and talented set designers to bring you this video that, if digested properly, will excite the senses and inspire the soul. I can’t even remember what tricks were filmed- I just know they looked fascinating.

“rad.” by Rob Perry

rob perry rad

“I’m Rob Perry, I ride BMX and I study photography at college. I had started to create a small collection of my favourite photos that I had been shooting and I thought that it would be cool if I could make a small book or layout design to show these photos and also show off our BMX scene in Milton Keynes, England to everyone. However, I didn’t know how to create this layout/book.

Then luckily in college a few weeks later, a project came up where we had to create a photo journalism piece and straight away I knew I could use BMX. I could work with these images while learning a way to create this small book. This decision meant that I could be out riding, shooting more and having a good time with the different people that ride from our crew in the Milton Keynes area. Throughout this project while shooting the photos, it helped me to think more about the photos I was taking and to look into them to see what is actually happening around the BMX rider to do with the background and the framing of everything. This helped my photos as it meant the viewer would feel more involved with the atmosphere of the whole photo and the people. I took all of these photos on a Canon 500d and an Olympus OM-10.”